Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Observation #5

Today in class I was able to observe a seed shrimp. These little creatures dance around the microaquariam in search of food. It had a graceful push to it whenever it would start swimming. It stayed mostly near the plants in the middle layer of the tank. I also found a dead one. This was the only live seed shrimp I could find in my tank which leads me to believe maybe they do not thrive well in the environment.                                                           
Below here are the unidentified organisms classified by Mr. McFarland. We were still not able to categorize these small unknown creatures but they are thriving very well in this environment. They are all over the place, in large clumps where there is food. They mostly stay above the dirt on the bottom. They do not venture to the top very often. They dwell within the plants as this is their protection and food source. 

I was able to locate a new species while in lab. Gonionmonas (Patterson 62) are tiny
tiny creatures that are only seen with a higher microscope. I found these within the bunches of tiny unknown organisms from above. They like to stay near the open, not going near plants too much. They have flagella and make small circular movements throughout the water. They have a single eyespot.

This nematode was just one of the many nematodes in my tank. It was unusual to see it outside of the plants but there is an abundant amount in my tank. They like to dig in the dirt in search of dead organisms. This one was out in the open with all the other tiny organisms in search of live food. Their movements are like that of a worm. They criss cross and do not stop moving for long periods of time. 

This rotifer was identified by Mr. McFarland. It was very interesting to find this one still intact but is not  alive. When alive they come out of their protection and what looks like a chainsaw they filter the water for food. Any sudden movement and they shrink back into their protection cove. 

I have attached a video of the unknown organisms in my tank. If this video does not appear please email me and I will send you the link for it. 

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