Monday, November 4, 2013

Observation #3

In my observation on Thursday, october 31, I got to the lab and picked up my microaquariam. The water was very low so I added more water from the pump Mr. Mcfarland had for us to use. Once I got to my desk, I put it under the microscope and began to observe. What I found that was a signifigant change from my last observation was that their was a plethora of nematodes that had accumulated. They had taken over the food sources in the tank making it hard for the other species to survive. The nematode were leaving behind worm feces everywhere. The nematodes were the dominant large organisms swimming about. I did come across a smaller round organism with flagella that Mr. Mcfarland identified as Anisonema sp. (Patterson, 1996). 

Food was added to the aquarium by Professor McFarland on October 25, 2013. "Atison's Betta Food" made by Ocean Nutrition, Aqua Pet Americas, 3528 West 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84104. Ingredients: Fish meal, wheat flower, soy meal, krill meal, minerals, vitamins and preservatives. Analysis: Crude Protein 36%; Crude fat 4.5%; Crude Fiber 3.5%; Moisture 8% and Ash 15%. 

The plants seem to be stable in their new environment but are not growing much. The water is still clear and more organisms seem to be coming about as time progresses. I am still in the process of identifying them. There are many smaller organisms appearing that are hard to identify but I will soon provide pictures. 

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